Thursday 22 February 2024

Te Tiriti Kaitiakitanga.

The national government has attempted to change the treaty because David Seymour reckons he should change the treaty to make it equal but its not a good idea because the history of the old treaty has already been signed and he is just not being equal at all and not respecting the maori history of the treaty. 

Some old pakeha people  might think its all good but not really. 

 What does it mean to be a kaitaki? Kaitiaki is a person who has been given the responsibility to protect something  mostly the earth environment and its important because it has that connection between human and land. Kaitiakitanga , The aim is to ensure New Zealand's lands lakes,rivers and the coasts are fully protected and safe for future generations the connection between the spiritual realm, humans and nature world is an important  part of kaitiakitanga. 

The children of Rangiui and Papatuanuku are the kaitiaki of their respective realms.